The Bigfoot: Terror In The woods Podcast
You’ve heard him on Coast to Coast AM and the Sasquatch Chronicles. Now W.J. Sheehan, author of Bigfoot: Terror In The Woods, Sightings & Encounters books, brings you a podcast meant to chill the spine and stir your curiosity. Now he teams up with his brother for some fantastic Cryptid Chemistry: “These guys are like Click and Clack the brothers on the NPR show CarTalk meet Bigfoot! Very entertaining, informative and funny.”
W.J. Sheehan, your intrepid host and author of Bigfoot: Terror In The Woods, Sightings and Encounters.
K.J. Sheehan, co-host and newcomer to the world of cryptids.
Kevin with a Blush Sockeye on the Kenai in Alaska
Go Beyond the normal and Into the PAranormal.
Listen to the podcast or pick up a book to hear stories of evidential findings, sightings, and encounters with our favorite cryptid, the notorious Bigfoot.